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Sensei Dave Kershaw
Chief Instructor of Konjaku Shin International, who's headquarters are based in Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, on the East Coast of England.
Sensei Kershaw is an internationally renowned instructor with over 40 years professional experience.
He was six times British Kata Champion, and an international competitor for many years.
He teaches traditional Shotokan karate-do, and is available for courses and grading examination in the UK and worldwide.
Thank you for visiting this site, and feel free to explore.
Please contact Sensei Kershaw if you would like him to instruct at your dojo, or if you are interested in affiliating to Konjaku Shin International.
Sensei Kershaw
demonstrating the kata Unsu
with which he won the SKI(GB)
Men's Kata Title for a record
six consecutive years
Visit the
Konjaku Shin YouTubChannel
for more videos on
Sensei Kershaw and Konjaku Shin
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